Fintech, Finance and Banking Technologies

Fintech Technology, Finance & Banking
Anyone can dream of changing the world, but without financial capacity, dreams can never materialize. Financing is the bloodstream of any economy. Success and failure of any economic system fundamentally boils down to financial capacity. In 2021, Skylinkinvent introduces innovation in the area of Fintech, Finance and Banking.
Skylinkinvent has evolved over the years into Fintech, Finance and Banking. In 2020 Skylinkinvent formed solid partnerships with leading service providers in the world. Through our Wantalk Messenger Ltd and Fintech Oceania (PNG) Ltd consortium we won our award from BPNG and sponsored by the EU establishing us as a recognized player in the banking and finance industry specifically in fintech technologies.
In 2020 we assisted the government of Papua New Guinea as the consultant advicer of the Department of Information & Communications Technology and also the Department of Implementation & Rural Development.
In 2021 we won the award from BPNG and the EU to deliver eWallets and Fintech technologies in PNG.

Good information systems in government helps good governance. Skylinkinvent believes in partnering with governments to build better more transparent information systems to aid good government.
In Papua New Guinea, the Department of Information & Communications Technology as well as the Department of Implementation & Rural Development have current engagements with Skylinkinvent

SkyFi via VSAT (Alotau, PNG)